morgan burton

Morgan is a user experience and design researcher in the San Francisco Bay area.




Are you ready to #_shiftEVERYTHING?

I’m at the intersection of people, technology, and society. As a user experience professional with 7+ years of experience, making connections is my superpower.

I want digital interactions to be efficient, effective, and seamless. More than that, I believe design is for everyone, and the best way to leverage that power is through providing equity.

Currently: Sr. UX Strategist [contract] at a technical consultancy in Houston. I am providing business and UX analysis and design for a shipping web application, culminating in a high-level product roadmap and design system for Agile development.

Future: I’m looking for full-time UX/Design Researcher positions. Ideally in the Houston area or remote, but I am willing to relocate within the next year for a research-focused position that has a well-defined purpose, aligns with my philosophy (see below), and amplifies my skillset (see my resume).


Design philosophy

BELOW are the major tenets THAT SHAPE THE WORK and environments THAT I strive to CREATE, Cultivate, and support.


People first.

The systems work for people; not the other way around. Always.


Solutions are multi-faceted and complex - and require complex and expansive understanding.

An improvement can be simple, but solutions often are not.


Leave people better than you found them.

{They define what is “better” for them.]


We don’t have to solve it TODAY (and we probably can’t) - but we must acknowledge it today, and plan to solve it SOON.